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Home > english-chinese > "be surprised at the news" in Chinese

Chinese translation for "be surprised at the news"


Related Translations:
surprise island:  瑟普赖斯岛
surprising comeback:  令人惊奇的东山再起
surprise audit:  突击审计突袭审计
cause surprise:  引起惊讶
pochette surprise:  神奇包包
expressing surprise:  用以表示惊讶
exhibit surprise:  表现惊奇
surprise them:  不时让他们大吃一惊
surprise decompression:  突然减压,意外减压
surprise packet:  〔英国〕(如硬币夹心糖等的)有奖糖果袋,意想不到之物。
Example Sentences:
1.We were surprised at the news .
2.We were surprised at the news
3.The smiths , and other people present were surprised at the news
4.Be surprised at the news
Similar Words:
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